Welcome to

Notts MedSoc is a student-run society for those studying at the University of Nottingham School of Medicine. We offer a wide variety of sports, societies, socials and events to help students enjoy their time outside of studying whilst at university.
We're sure there's something for everybody!
What We Do
A Message From The President

"Over the past year, the MedSoc Committee 2020-21, led by Pascal Vogiardis, has done amazing work in maintaining (if not elevating) the Nottingham student experience, all through a global pandemic! I could not be more honoured to take over from Pascal this year, and show you all what our fantastic new committee has in store. While the situation regarding COVID-19 restrictions may keep changing, our committee is on top of it and is working tirelessly this summer to prepare for the upcoming year and to make it MedSoc’s best one yet.
If you think that there is anything MedSoc can do to support you, please do get in touch :)"
Sanjana Mamidipalli
MedSoc President
MedSoc Calendar
Keep up to date with all the numerous events happening within our MedSoc with the continually updated calendar
Ashrit Chohan
Website & Communications Officer
"Hi everyone. I'm your Website and Communications Officer for this year. I hope you all enjoy the new revamped website and if you have any suggestions or queries feel free to email me:"
Contact Us
As your MedSoc team, we value your input so if you have any suggestions for us or want to get in touch, you can do so by submitting the form below and we will get back to you shortly!