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Basketball (Medics)

Medics Basketball is a society that welcomes basketball players of all abilities. Whether you played regularly for your school team, or you’re a beginner, you are welcome to come along to our training sessions on Wednesday evenings.


Training sessions usually consist of casual practice matches against each other.

For the more serious players, we have IMS league matches every Sunday during term time against other societies.


Other important events in our calendar include:


NAMS Tournaments - usually twice a year. In the last 3 and a half years we have taken part in 7 tournaments (Manchester 2010, Nottingham 2010, Sheffield 2011, Brighton 2011, Manchester 2012, Nottingham 2013, Leicester 2013). These are always great one-day events involving basketball teams from medical schools all over the country.


Annual Alumni Game - Medical students vs. doctors.

Annual Netball Game - vs. Medics Netball


Many many socials to make sure you guys feel welcome at the club!


Purchase your membership here:


President: Victor Vincent-Joseph

Social Secretary: Kartikeya Bhardwaj

Treasurer: Catherine Jayne Williams

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