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HEARTSTART is a UK based organisation whose primary aim and focus is to teach basic life support (BLS) in the community. We teach a wide range of children and adults what to do in a life-threatening emergency, focusing on the collapsed adult – simple skills that save lives.


Heartstart works in partnership with many organisations and institutions such as local volunteer groups, the ambulance service and schools to establish local community schemes. As a student led branch of the charity, we have taught at primary and secondary schools,17 Brownie and Guide Groups, Scouts and around the University and are always looking at new ways of promoting BLS skills and teaching opportunities. The visits are a great way to have fun, meet other medics and keep your life-saving skills up to scratch!


If you would like to be trained or get involved with HEARTSTART in any way at all, look out for us at fresher’s fayre and join the facebook group to stay updated on teaching sessions, training sessions and other events.


Purchase your membership here:


President: George Davies

Vice-President: Issy Walker

Child Protection: Thomas Westhead

Community Liaison: Lauren Astbury

© Copyright 2021 Nottingham MedSoc.

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