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OGSSoc (Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Sexual Health)

OGSsoc is the University of Nottingham’s new student society dedicated to Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Sexual Health.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a fantastic speciality, being one of the few that combines both medicine and surgery. It is also one of the few specialties that has an exciting run-through training programme!


Sexual health is impossible to separate from O&G in many ways- it tackles healthy sexual relationships, STIs, reproduction and contraception. Genito-Urinary Medicine is a fascinating and definitely eye opening specialty!


In our first year as a society we will be aiming to provide invaluable OSCE practice for the ONG attachment, clinical and pre clinical revision sessions and materials, interest talks from external speakers about issues such as FGM and host a variety of careers events. We are also working with local schools in creating a programme and opportunities to go on school visits promoting an understanding of sexual health and healthy relationships. All great additions to your CV!


Our aims are:

• To promote interest in obstetrics, gynaecology and sexual health amongst undergraduate medical students 

• To provide opportunities to educate, both yourselves and others about these areas

• To organise revision sessions for both pre-clinical and clinical modules, including mock OSCEs for 4th year students.


We are open to all Nottingham medical students, student midwives and student  nurses. If you have any questions about the society, feel free to get in touch!


Join the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists as a student affiliate:


Access learning materials from the British Assocoation for Sexual Health and HIV:

 Purchase your membership here:


President: Molly Kavanagh

Gen Sec: Gabby Johnson

Treasurer: Eleanor Pettitt

© Copyright 2021 Nottingham MedSoc.

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